Monday, December 06, 2004

Return to the Tables

I had to go out of town recently for a company function. Once I was able to excuse myself from said function I managed to find a way to the new Casino in town. I hadn't been there yet and I wanted to check it out. I wanted most of all to see their Poker Room.

This was definitely a step up in terms of the amount of tables available for play than the one on the other side of town. I walked into the rather large poker room and wandered up to the desk to ask their set up. A Very Bored but beautiful young lady spent a couple of minutes explaining that this casino offered $2/$4, $4/$8, $10/$20, $20/$40 Tables. The $10/$20 and the $20/$40 I believe were NL (No Limit) tables. I was really happy to hear they had a $2/$4 Limit table. That meant I didn't have to buy in for as much (I bought in for $100 as opposed to $200) as I did the last time I played Hold'em at the other casino.

They were 13 people on the waiting list and it only took roughly 20 minutes to get down to my name on the list. I somewhat fluked out in the fact that I was standing wathing the table that I was sat at.

I was brought back to the table by one of the floor people and he put my chips out for me. It was a really strange entrance as I could sense the table taking a look at me when I arrived. I decided that I needed to introduce myself to the table in the strangest way.

I've always been a firm believer in going with your gut. (Although sometimes it's just gas). As I was taking my seat, and the dealer was asking me if I wanted to post, I asked where the big blind was only to find out it was my seat. Well, that meant I was in.

The dealer dealt the cards and since I was big blind I decided I wasn't going to even look at my cards to begin with. The majority of the table called the $2 opening bet and so when the bet came around to me, still not looking at my cards, I raised the bet to $4. Again the majority of the table called my bet. (I wonder how many people even noticed I raised blind) and the dealer dealt out the flop. The Flop was something Q-Q... so I decided I'd best take a peak at my hole cards because this could go massively wrong now. I peaked at my cards to see a the beautiful American Airlines looking back at me. I bet out and was called. The turn was insignificant so I bet out again, awaiting the raise, that never came. The River card was the most beautiful card I could dream of. It was the third Ace. Giving me a Full House. I checked which brought out the betting and I raised and was called and I turned it over first announcing "Full House" and I took the pot down. Going up $40 right away.

I spent the next five hours playing the table hitting a peak of being just over $100. I did flucuate down a bit but managed to recover without ever dropping below my original investment of $100.

The NEXT most memorable hand of the night came quite late into my evening. Holding Q-10 Spades in the hole I played a rather nasty board that ended up A-J-J-8-A. I hit the flush on the turn but was sure when the river turned the second Ace up that one of the other two players left in the hand MUST have an Ace or Jack to finish the full house. The guy to my right checked the bet so I checked and the button bet out $4 and having come this far I said outloud "Oh well, I gotta see it", of which the guy to my right also agreed and we both called the $4. I was STUNNED (although, I really shouldn't be thinking how loosely $2/$4 can be played by inexperienced players) by the fact NEITHER player had the Ace or the Jack. I looked to my left and then to my right seeing they both had crap I turned my cards over and said "I only have the Flush." Then the DEALER was noticeably shocked and asked aloud "Doesn't ANYONE have the Ace or the Jack?! Flush Pays."

I'd have to say I have uncanny luck going to an establishment for the first time and playing. I'm also well aware I ended up being up both times I've played face to face Hold'em Tables. I must admit to that I got great cards and the flops and subsequent cards went in my favour the majority of the time and made it rather easy to play my hands.

I lost two hands by being outkicked. Those hurt the most. One was holding A-7 and having a pair of aces only to be beat by someone holding A-8. I was also hit Two Pair Holding A-J on the turn on another hand only to get killed by a K on the river which gave the player holding A-K a better two pair.

As the morning started to arrived (Gotta love them 24 hr Casinos) the table got short handed and the other players were getting agitated by the small pots. I actually don't mind playing a short handed table. I find you have to play a little bit looser but if you get good hole cards with a decent flop you're in good shape to win short handed. Anyway, there was one too many players at our table to fit the holes on the other tables which would have meant one of us would have to go on the waiting list. I decided the was a cue and said I was leaving. Everyone's happy and I left up $68 bucks.

In Online Poker, I'm still sitting at $18 on Panther. Been taking a beating on both Absolute and Superior. I'm down to $7.61 on AP and $11.50 on Superior. I recently joined Royal Vegas Poker and they gave me $10 for signing up which made me think I was going to do well there but I am down to $1.26 and doubtful that I'll be able to get that back to the required $25 to withdraw it. I still think it's pretty good for an initial investment of $0 to any of them.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Thursday, November 18, 2004

How Libra Am I?

You are 53% Libra

Apparently, The fact I'm born close to Scorpio has some influence... (67% Scorpio)

Which is funny cause I've always said I was a Libra with Scorpio tendencies.

Airline Needs Press Fires Blogging Flight Attendant

I see the latest HOT topic on blogs seems to be the Queen of the Sky that got her ass fired for posting pictures of herself on the internet.

She should have known with the anti-liberal government in power that these things were frowned upon by less than 50% (Well, maybe closer to 50%, Bush actually won this election.) of Americans. A group made up of her employers obviously. If she'd posed NUDE I could, obviously, understand, but fully clothed?

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Push for a Pull

Well, One night after getting knocked out of a $0.25 buy-in multi-table tourney I played a $0.50 + $0.10 Single Table Tourney. A very even almost cautious table I spent most of the tourney sitting on the bubble (Top 3 pay) but managed to play my patient game and grab the chip lead late in the game with 5 of 9 players remaining. I lost the chip lead a couple of times but managed to get it back. Made it to the Final 3 sitting second. Finally out played the chip leader for the lead and never looked back. Winning the 1st place payout of $2.25! (Sorry, no great recollection of hands tonight.) So that bring my Absolute Poker account up to $10.80 !! Give me a few more wins and it's going to start pull even with my Panther account.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Another 2nd Place Finish

I don't know if I can actually call this as good a win as the previous
2nd Place Finish I had a few days ago. Although this wasn't a
freeroll this was $0.25+$0.00 buy-in on Absolute Poker and
it was a much smaller field of 78 players instead of the almost 200
that were in the freeroll. I think the real money tournaments bring
out the better players although it's hard to say what level of player
will play a $0.25 buy-in.

It's a refreshing change though to have had two 2nd place finishes now
in one week on Absolute. I was beginning to think there I couldn't
win on there. I think my play must be improving slightly. Although,
if you still took the percentage of tournaments entered compared to my
finishes I suck some major ass. But I think it's a step in the right
direction. That brings my absolute poker real money account to a total
of $9.40 !!

My Grand Total Online Accounts (Panther and Absolute) equal nearly $30 !!

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Poker Update

So, I know I've mention I would keep you updated as to how I'm doing online with my real money poker accounts.

I've been playing a lot of Freerolls while I have time off and actually spending way too much time playing freerolls but the finally paid off (not hugely) and I also finally managed to win some real money on another Poker Site.

First on Panther Poker I was playing in a few of their $10 Freeroll Saturday Tournaments and managed to finish in 2nd place! [My BEST EVER finish in any tournament.] and I won a WHOPPING $3 for my effort! But Hey, That's another FREE $3. That actually brings my Panther Poker Account up to $19.17 !! Now if I could stop losing my money on the $0.05/$0.10 tables I'd be doing ok. My Goal here is to hit about $50.

I really love the way that Absolute Poker looks. Although, I haven't done very well in many of their freerolls. I think my best finish was Top 50. I joined a $150 Guarenteed Special Freeroll where the Top 30 paid out. I was playing this tournament along side the same Panther Poker Tourney I won at so I wasn't concentrating very hard but I was doing fairly well. I hit a real sting of bad beats and ended up finishing 27th place! Winning me a Whopping $5.

Then I meandered around looking at what you can play in terms of real money there. I was looking at a $0.50 + $0.10 Single Table Tourney. So, with one seat left to sit in I decided to sit down. I ended up getting an early chip lead and was nearly three times what the rest of the table had. This was a really pleasant table all people were really talkative and friendly. I'd enjoy playing against any of them again. Anyway, Someone finally caught up to me in chips and as we slowly knocked off the rest of the table we finally went heads up against each other. It went back and forth a lot but I spanked pretty hard holding pocket J's and he had 9-7 diamonds which we both went all in on and he hit a straight knocking me down from being slightly in the lead to being slightly done with just over 1000 T chips. So I ended up going out 2nd and won $1.35. After the $0.60 buy-in that left my Absolute Account Sitting at $5.75. We'll see If I can build up this account to something decent as well.

In one last piece of news. I did something I guarentee I will NEVER see again in my entire life. While playing in a Freeroll Tournament on Absolute. I FLOPPED a ROYAL FLUSH. Yes, The VERY best hand in POKER nothing can beat it and I FLOPPED it while all in holding A-K clubs in the pocket. Which means I got the 10 - J - Q of clubs on the first three cards dealt to the board. I had to take a TRIPLE take to believe what I saw. Talk about MONSTER hands.

Friday, November 12, 2004

I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie

Well, Looks like the fashion industry *maybe* finally bowing to the pressure that perhaps the entire world is not a size 0 or . They've finally brought out Mannequins with bigger butts. Which I must admit makes a pair of women's jeans looks WAY better! Then again, I've never denied the fact I like a woman with some nice curves especially in the posterier!

33 Reasons not to put your picture on the internet

Yes, if you ever put your picture up on the internet where the many photoshop addicts can get at it.

HERE is the result.

...and so many people wonder why I don't post pictures of myself?!?!

Monday, November 01, 2004

Unconcious Mutterings - Week 91

Unconcious Mutterings - Week 91

  1. Right now:: Immediate
  2. Halloween:: Evil
  3. Provider:: Service
  4. Rescue me:: Save
  5. Confidence:: Arrogance
  6. Fungus:: Moss
  7. Candy corn:: Gross
  8. Reunion:: Painful
  9. Winner:: High Card
  10. Tradition:: Hockey

Friday, October 29, 2004

Horrible Addiction

Yes, You know it's coming another flash game! This time it's a Paper Throwing Game.

This one I found via The Poker/Flim Geek.

This is definitely of the I'm really bored at work scenerio which means it'll fit right in with the majority of you.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

You Want a Piece of Me?

As you may know I play a Fantasy Stock Game online called The Hollywood Stock Exchange Which is a place where you trade shares of movies and stars and try and make money. So far I'm sucking ASS. Big Time. I'm a little under my starting money.

You may also know that I at time do a Google search for my online moniker "Bingoguy" and see what the results turn up.

I was very shocked to see I'm being publically traded on ANOTHER Fantasy Stock Exchange BlogShares. I'm what you might call a penny stock. It looks like so far there's only 4000 shares of me out there and I'm worth about $1100.00 dollars. Whoever is invested in me isn't going to be making money anytime soon.

It's a bit embarrassing to point out how pathetic my readership is.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

10 Random Songs

So, I thought since this is the place where I put in crap that no one really cares about (and according to my stats no really reads either) I thought I'd play a little game that I found via Neurotic Fishbowl who was doing this because Tenth-Muse suggested it. (Who is in love with Electric Boogaloo, So Much So they live together [GASP!])

Anyway, They Turned on their Mp3 Player and hit Random and Let 10 Songs Play. Since you NEVER quite know what would come up from my HUGE library I thought I'd play along too.

So Without Further Ado, Here's What Played...

1. Diana Krall - Between THe Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
2. CCR - Down On THe Corner
3. Peter Gabriel - Red Rain
4. Lords of Acid - Show Me Your Pussy
5. Black Crowes - Cypress Tree
6. Mel C - Suddenly Monday
7. Rocky Horror Picture Show - Over At THe Frankenstein Place
8. Portishead - Strangers
9. Beta Band - Won
10. Killing Joke - Democracy (Nine Inch Nails Mix)

Wow, Minus the Mel C (an album my cousin asked me to download and give a listen to) and the Lords of Acid (I used to be a DJ in a Peeler Bar.) the list makes me look a whole lot cooler than I actually am.

Thursday, October 21, 2004


I did it.

Tonight, I took the  plunge and sat down at a $6/12 Limit Hold 'em Table.  I've played quite bit of Texas Hold'em.  I've played in Tournaments and placed in the top 10 about 3 times and had what I consider decent finishes (Top 100) quite a few times.

The kicker is all my play has been online where people can't see me jumping up and dancing everytime I win a big pot or I start talking to my cards because I've gotten two decent hole cards.

No, This was face to face 10 seat Limit Hold 'em.  This was going to be a completely different animal.

I really should back up a little.  I first wandered over to the poker area after getting my butt kicked on a table game in the casino.  The thought of playing actual hold 'em poker never entered my mind until I was pretty deep on this table game and I heard an announcement of some joe shmoe that his seat was ready in the poker room.

I left the table I was taking a beating on and decided out of curiousity to wander over to the poker area.  There I found 4 tables.  There were a lot of people milling around watching.  I couldn't clearly see what the wagers were or how much you had to buy in for so I just stood and watched the table.

Having read at least one book on Poker (Hellmuth's Play Poker Like the Pros) I kind of had an idea what I was looking at in terms of the player's seated at the tables.  I probably watched the table for about 30 minutes.  Realized the Blinds were $3/$6 and the majority of people arriving at the tables had $200 in chips.  I continued to watch for a little bit when I decided "I think I could win at these tables" 

I wandered over to the desk where the waiting list was and perused the house rules looking to see if anything extrodinary stood out to me that I would need to make note of but it looked pretty standard.  I asked the guy behind the desk a few questions.  Mostly, confrming the blinds and course of play.  He told me the first two table were "sattelite" tables and that the main games were being played on the other two tables beside them.  I, then put my name on the wait list and then went for a bit of a walk because there were at least 8 people ahead of me.

While I was walking I was thinking that I probably wouldn't stay long enough to even reach my name on the wait list.  I made the circuit around the casino and then headed back to the poker room.  I, again, stood by the table and tried to get a read on the types of players that were playing at this table where I would most likely start to play.  Watching the hands and watching a number of player's playing right through to the river was another indication to me that my practice time online would do me well.  That is, if I could manage to hold a poker face (which was my biggest doubt about myself).

I was watching when one of pit bosses (if that's what they call them I don't know, sigh) came up and told someone they had a seat open at the next table and the suddenly I heard it.  "Bingoguy, Your Seat is ready in the poker room."


I walked up and bought in for $200.  Took my rack and then sat down at the table.  The big blind had passed my spot about 2 hands before so I could post in if I wanted to but I asked to wait for the big blind.  Which one player couldn't understand as he babbled on to the player beside him because the BB was "way over there" (pointing to my side of the table).  I just wanted a few more hands, now that I was actually seated to take a good look at my opponents.

They only managed to deal about 4 hands before either a number of players on other tables left or a number of them busted out because suddenly 4 or even 5 players got moved from our table to the next one,  The dealer then waited for them to seat more players.  My strategy to watch the others kind of took a punch to the stomach.  When they finally seated players I actually ended up being the big blind. Throwing in my $6 the dealer dealt the cards.

Now, I don't really remember this hand as well as you would think I should. I do remember I was dealt K-2o. I checked  in and took the flop.  Now I don't remember the flop which should tell you how memorable those cards were but I being this was the first hand I decided to bet out.  I was met by a number of folds.  One person called me and the dealer brought us to fourth street another nothing card.  I bet out again on the turn and the other player folded. Woo, Who says you can't bluff at low limit tables?

The key I think was I showed no emotions.  My HEART was racing but I was concentrating on making sure I was looking disinterested in what I was actually doing and just betting matter of factly.  I continued to play for awhile and watch a couple of people bust out.  A couple of the people went to the second table.  I was probably slightly ahead of my $200 at this point but nothing to write home about.  The Pit Boss then walked up to the table enquring who "Bingoguy" was.  I nodded and said it was me and was told there was a seat at the next table.  I took my chips and moved to the next table.

Strangely enough, I was seated at the exact same seating position as I was for the first table (that I didn't mention was the immediate left the dealer, not that it makes a difference).  I took this to be a bit of a good luck charm since I hadn't been doing terrible in this position at the first table.  I had played 2 or 3 hand when I was dealt J-J.  I waited as number of people called and when the bet got to me I raised.  Two other people called me and then the flop game. 5-J-J.  Glory Halleujeah!  It's JAM TIME!  The first player checked, second player bet out $6 and I raised to $12. The first player folded and the second player called.. I don't remember the turn card because it really didn't matter to me.  The remaining player bet out $12 and I raised to $18 and he called.. The river was dealt He bet out $12, which I raised to $18 and he re-raised to $24 and I called him.  I then flipped over my cards to show my Jacks and he folded never showing me what he had. He must have had Trips 5's I think.  The whole table lit up when they saw my massive hand.  The dealer pushed the chips towards me and I started to stack 'em.

The majority of the players I felt I could read somewhat.  I could tell you what it was I was reading but tried to make note of how player's reacted with their bodies when I was able to see their hole cards because of a showdown.  I can't tell you how vital that little tibit of information is.  There were 4 or 5 players, I felt were good players, who gave the stone cold look but their body language said completely different things.  These were the players who were doing well against the rest of the table but I manage to win a hand or two off.

Sitting fairly nicely (probably up $75 at this point) I was once again given the notice that I was being moved to one of the main game tables.  Relunctantly, I picked up my chips and moved over to my seat.  I sat down and was greeted by noone. (Woo, friendly table) I made a quick glance around the table.  Since I had now been either playing or watching the poker room for a few hours now I knew who'd been sitting at these tables all that time.  These were the players I had to be very,very aware of.  Unfortunately for me, I was about to do battle with one of the on the very first hand I got dealt.

The hand dealt to me was Q-Q.  I thought, damn! Great hand to start THIS table with.  I needed a show of strength.  The bet raised pre-flop to $12.  I called.  The flop came 8-A-7.  I bet out and was raised.  I called.  The turn came another 7.  I must admit, I really wasn't thinking at this point and wtih 3 players left I matched the betting and re-raising all the way $24. The river card was a dud and I bet out $12 was re-raised and I called.  The third player folded. I turned up my pair and he tossed his hand face up...A-7.  WHAT AN IDIOT I am.  I should have seen that from the betting but I was blinded by my Ladies. The table basically wrote me off as an idiot player at that point.  I'd also DEVASTATED my chip stack. I turned to the lady beside me and said "Oh well, All I lost was other people's money and that was my worst play all night."  But I was smartin' something fierce.

 I couldn't find any decent cards for quite a few hands and then the guy beside me left.  I told the dealer I wanted to move into his spot and slid my chips over so that I was once again sitting beside the dealer.  This time on his opposite side.  This also thankfully put me out of direct facial contact with the player who had crushed me with his full house.  I think it helped my game a little.  Although, I was still recovering from my smackdown.

I decided to tighten up a bit and I tossed away quite a few suited small cards not having the confidence to play 'em.  It was then sitting in the BB I was dealt K-Jo.  I called it along with about 4 other players.  The flop came A-8-Q and I checked but was bet out by one player. Another called and I decided to call to see 4th street.  It was a 4d to go with the Qd that was already on the board.  I checked again, the next player bet and the last player folded, I was about to fold when my gut said call it.  So I did.  Up popped the 10d.  It was the card I was looking for minus the diamond.  This put a flush on the board.  I checked again and he bet $12 I raised to $24 and then looked down at my chips.  I suddenly got this feeling I should stare the player down so I looked up for the FIRST time all night and looked directly at the other player.  I could see him studying my face.  Did I have the flush?  I think was what he was thinking.  He called me and I announced straight.  Which he responded "what?!" I don't think he saw it.  He flipped over A-5o (although his 5 was a diamond)  I bad beat the guy chasing a straight and BOY was he pissed at me.  Although, I'm not sure if he was mad at me or his luck but he couldn't look at me for quite awhile and he shook his head for at LEAST 2 more hands until he finally won a hand.

A couple hands later I was dealth 3-5c and having won a hand I felt a little more confident staying in to see the $6 flop.  The flop was ok 2-4-J and most of the table folded and I bet out $6 and was called.  The Turn brought the 6 and I knew I was made and hiding fairly well.  Although for effect I checked the 6 and he bet and I called.  After the turn of a dud I started to bet into my opponent (who happened to be pretty friendly old guy who had sat beside me on both of the previous earlier tables.) and basically jammed the pot into a decent sized pot.

At this point I was probably holding a little $400 in chips.

Again in the BB spot I was dealt A-2h, and I re-raised pre-flop.  The flop came down 5-6-Q (and I initially was going to fold thinking I didn't want to spend when I noticed the 5-6 were both hearts.  I was going to have to stay to the turn at least.  The 9 of hearts was dealt and I bet out $12 and couple of the players that were still in the hand said "Ah, he hit it" and folded but I was shocked when two players actually called me.  Bringing me to the river card.  I bet out again $12 and was called.  I turned 'em over said "Sorry, guys".  In these games I was hitting yet another big pot.  The lady across from me even said "You're hitting some pretty big pots now." and I said "Makes up for getting crushed by that full house earlier."

I won a couple of smaller pots after that but I had cleared $500 and I decided to dwindle down what I had over $500 and then called it a night.  I'd been in the casino since about 7'o clock and it was 2am now.  I was getting tired and I thought this was the best time to run away.  Because of the beating took playing a table game before I started playing Hold'em the $500 isn't quite as impressive.  I figure I'm up about $150.  Although, it's been a long time since I walked out of a casino up that much in a long time.

No one said goodnight to me when I left either.  I guess in retrospect I wasn't that overly friendly a player in that I was pretty quiet and didn't chat much.

The end result is I will probably wait a bit before I ever play for money hold'em again. And when I say a bit, I mean it could be next year before I play again with my own money.  It also helps that in my small town there isn't a casino to play poker in.  So, these occasions are left for when I do things like visit my dad.  I think it's funny, in all things gambling.  I seem to be one of those beginners luck type people.  My first time playing I seem to win.

On the other hand, the Red Sox beat the Yankees so miracles do happen.

Friday, October 15, 2004

My T-Shirt Saying...

Ah, Yes.. More Meme!

What does your t-shirt say? by rejektedrockstar
Fav. Color
Quiz created with MemeGen!

I'm Just a Big Kid...

I noticed this morning when I was reading the news headlines a link to a Halloween Flash Game on the CBC Kids Site

See if you can feed the Monsters with Candy without having your house egged.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Shameless Plug

I thought I'd take this time to shamelessly plug the fact I'm making a return, of sorts, to online broadcasting arena.

I've decided to join a bunch of crazy people who are running The Just Rant Radio Network

It's there I'm going to be running TWO shows. Yes, TWO Shows. I'm really into being different most of the shows on the network are late night shows. I decided to be different my first show will be "The Jake Morning Show" (Ya, Bingoguy just doesn't cut it for an online name) Airing Wednesday Mornings (Yes, HUMP DAY!) from 6am - 10am PT (Which is 9am - 1pm ET)

My Second Show is more along the lines of my original station I ran on Live*365 for quite some time. I even kept the name "Radio Nite Light" and you can hear that show on Thursdays from 8pm - 10pm PT (That's 11pm - 1am ET)

Anyway, You can listen to the station by clicking on the Listen Headphones on the main page of Just Rant site or you should be able to just click HERE

WARNING : This Station has been known to use content of an adult or even offensive nature. Viewer Discretion is Advised.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

New Advances in Cyber-Sex

Cyber Sex losing it's appeal? Getting tired of going to those chat rooms and having guys talk a good game but you end up doing all the work yourself?

Fear No More with...

The Sinulator!

Let your cyber lover control your sex toy!

A MUST HAVE for anyone in an online D/s relationship!

Get yours TODAY and get yours!

Flash Games are Like Crack...

They have to be. I say this because I have YET ANOTHER one for you to play!

I have lasted longer than 19 seconds. God, if word gets around, I'll never find another date.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Unconcious Mutterings - Week 87

Unconcious Muttering - Week 87

  1. Courage:: Brave
  2. Stamina:: Staying Power
  3. Leader:: Me
  4. Idea:: Thought
  5. Rockstar:: Cool
  6. Dew:: Wet
  7. Guards:: Mean
  8. Lenny:: Squiggy
  9. Alliance:: Group
  10. Cigarettes:: Alcohol

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Unconcious Mutterings - Week 86

Unconcious Mutterings - Week 86

  1. Diminishing:: Disappearing
  2. Fed up:: Done
  3. 3:00 AM:: Bedtime
  4. Interfere:: Cross Check
  5. Often:: Repeated
  6. Hay:: Straw
  7. Prediction:: Psychic
  8. Homophobia:: Sad
  9. Booty call:: Hot
  10. Enunciate:: Speaking

Thursday, September 23, 2004

How about a Blow?

Well, I had to come up with a title for yet another flash game....

This one can be found HERE

You gotta blow a paper boat that's in a stream of water avoid the rocks and garbage while picking up "Power Ups" from something floating in a bubble. Pretty simple stuff.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Yet Another Flash Game...

My Blogging Pal Nero had a link to THIS GAME.

Now it can seem a little fucked up but it's doable. I solved all 20 levels in about 5 minutes... and to prove it, here's the screen capture.

There's a trick to doing it. If you really wanna know you can email me and I'll tell ya how.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Unconcious Mutterings - Week 85

Unconcious Mutterings - Week 85

  1. Pointless:: Fruitless
  2. Sadistic:: Mean
  3. Bunny:: Rabbit
  4. Betrayal:: Heartbreaking
  5. Oliver:: Twist
  6. Star Wars:: Space
  7. Let it ride:: Gamble
  8. Ray of light:: Madonna
  9. Tight:: Wad
  10. Gadget:: Inspector

Be Careful...

You might want to use caution when wiping your ass when you visit this bathroom stall...

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Unconscious Mutterings - Week 84

Unconscious Mutterings for Week 84

  1. Self-esteem:: Problem
  2. Migraine:: Headache
  3. Phoebe:: Cates
  4. Nervous:: Breakdown
  5. Punctual:: Well Timed
  6. Liver damage:: Drinking
  7. Legal disclaimer:: Bullshit
  8. Reverend:: Mother
  9. Supple:: Breasts! (Ya, Baby!)
  10. Binder:: Dundat

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Playboy Goes Digital

I'm sure most of you have heard that Playboy's most recent issue has nude layouts of Video Game Chicks.

I'm a little surprised that people are shocked that this would end up in Playboy. I guess people are under the misguided idea that Playboy Magazine is strictly a Porn Mag full of naked ladies. Have we forgotten they've also featured Erotic Art over the years and to feature a layout/article regarding Video Game Chicks drawn naked really is only a nod to Erotic Art and it's use in Video Games?

Maybe I'm just some kind of perv. Although, I don't plan on buying Playboy and haven't looked at one of their mags in quite sometime (I see enough naked ladies on the net, who needs magazines) but I would probably take a gander at the artwork if a copy were to be, say, laying around.

I can appreciate Art.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Required Living Room Furniture

Every Single guy should have one of THESE for his living room and or/bedroom.

Update: I guess they deleted the post and I can't believe I didn't save a picture from this site. They were selling a Stripper Pole/Stage used by some radio station in a "Be A Stripper" contest or something... dammit.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

House For Sale, Added Attraction...

This Picture was originally posted on the MLS system.

Do you notice anything odd or mildly disturbing about this picture.

Look again, but take a look out the window. Do you see the TWO DOGS FUCKING?!

You must admit it just adds to the ambience of the room, y'think?

[Found Via Misc Etc. (who's much funnier than I am.)]

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

What's Your Rocky Horror Pictureshow IQ?

rhps lips
YOU ARE A ROCKY GOD! You know this movie, you could
dress up as Frankie, and pull it off in style!
You can recite the whole damn movie and sing
every friggin song! YOU KICK ASS!!

Whats your Rocky Horror IQ?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Don't Feed the Bears!

This should serve as a reminder NOT to leave your beer laying around at the campground!

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Superhero Persona

Your Superhero Persona
by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero NameThe Bankruptcy Lawyer
Super PowerIrresistable Sexuality
EnemyTrailer Trash Tom
Mode Of TransportationSkateboard
WeaponBaseball Bat
Quiz created with MemeGen!

I think The Chick would laugh her ass off at this one. It's so me on some many levels.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


I realized I didn't have the Anonymous Comment posting set up. Just in case you wanted to say something to me without attaching your name it to it. I've allowed that now.

Watch Carefully...

Look for the Ghost in this Ad. It was hard to see.

Cost of Sex

There are times as a guy it seems like a girlfriend or wife is just like having a money pit. So, Here's a - cost of sex with a girlfriend and wife calculator.

Just so you can see how much she's REALLY costing you for some Nookie!

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Unconscious Mutterings - Week 80

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Server:: Waiter
  2. Charlotte:: Hornets
  3. Jackson:: Five
  4. Resentment:: Chlidish
  5. Controlling:: Scared
  6. Intense:: Sex
  7. November:: Rain
  8. Donkey:: Kong
  9. Weave:: Dodge
  10. Satisfies:: Flesh

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Birth Month

Everyone's been doing this one from HERE.

Pick your birth month and cross (strike) out what doesn't apply to you. To strike out you use the S tag. So for the cross out you would surround the "strike out" with strike out . Then post the whole list for the next person or link back to here.

Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to takes things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care of what others think. Emotional.Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and easily jealous.Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily influenced.Easily loses confidence.Loves children.

Make of it what you may.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Holy Crap!

Check out this Outdoor Toilet in Scandinavia.

Now, You think that's kind of a neat design to make it look better than just being a public toilet.

But then you go inside...

One Way Glass. That would creep me out, but then it's better than being in some dark cabinet.

Another Flash Game...

Ok, I originally found this one via Proud Canadian Geek but the link I'll give you HERE is a full screen version of the same game.

I still haven't managed to duplicate her level 10 finish yet. I can only get as far as level 8.

I'd best try and be funny...

I've been getting a lot of traffic from The Atari Age because someone found my Free Cat and Pussy Driver entries. Only a couple of those people have looked at my other entries so I'd best do my best to entertain.

So... Let's start with...

Thursday, August 12, 2004

While on the topic of Drunks...

Check out This Flash Game where the object of the game is to walk a drunk as far as you can without falling over. You have to make very mild movements with your mouse left or right depending on which way he's swaying. I tell you this because the game is in German. Although, strangely the sound effects are in english.

My best was 35 metres.

I'm a Fun Drunk...

you're a fun drunk
What Kind of Drunk Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, August 06, 2004

Super Freak is dead...

[Photo Courtesy of CNN]

Hard to Believe... but Rick James is dead. I didn't think he was that old (Well, 56 isn't)

Maybe he had too many "Very Kinky Girls, the kind you don't take home to mother!"

They say it was natural causes...

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

How bored would you have to be...

to come up with this...

Obviously THIS person was. (Sorry, the person already took down the how-to page on making one these masterpieces.) How long would have to be sitting there or how desperate to find a bra would you have to be when the light bulb came on and said "Hey, Men's Underwear would make a GREAT replacement for a BRA."

[I originally found this via Maybe Tomorrow]

W@l-M@rt loses key battle against Quebec union

I wondered how long it would take before THIS happened to a W@L-M@rt.
When you run a business based solely on doing everything the cheapest including what you pay your employees. You don't often attract talented management teams and that is directly related to why employees decide to unionize. These decisions rarely have anything to do with rate of pay but more to do with working conditions brought on by management. When you have to put of with a shitty management it's then you realize you're not getting paid enough.

When will some companies learn this lesson? Probably Never.

Of course, if you were to point to the biggest anti-union company around you could probably easily say W@l-M@rt is it. They definitely won't go down without a fight. Although, this reminds me of the Squamish McDonald's that unionized. They decertified shortly after they certified and no contract was ever negotiated.

It shall be interesting to see...

Thursday, July 29, 2004

How to Tell you're not liked by your contemparies...

In a story that someone grabbed from Yahoo news...

Everything seems normal until you get to the end of the article

Here's the particular excerpt... (just incase the link goes down or your lazy)

Investigators are not sure if Powell died where her body was found or if she was killed elsewhere, WLWT Eyewitness News 5's most-overrated, obnoxious, annoying, stick-like, ho-bag, sperm-receptacle staff member Raegan Butler reported.

Opps! lol.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Pussy Drivers

In a Shocking Revelation Dodge Ram Owners directly linked to Pussies...

Female Reproductive SystemDodge Emblem Labeled

The Dodge Ram Emblem is LINKED incase you'd like to buy a truck.


In attempt to bring you great amusement

I present to you, Spamusement!

Poorly-drawn cartoons inspired by actual spam subject lines!

Saturday, July 24, 2004

No Particular Reason...

I thought I would post the following image for no particular reason at all.


Actually I found it via some French Young Communists Forum that had some how linked to my Diary but I couldn't trace WHERE that link was located. In My Sniffing around I found that pic on one of the blogs that was listed on it. Perhaps the link to my diary had gotten deleted once they realized I Was NOT A] French nor B] Communist.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Proof that I'm insane!

Egads, I tell ya... I'm losing my mind ... That and I've had three days off and I've done nothing with it and I've also been procrastinating changing kitty litter... Yes, This is my exciting life.... So... I present to you...

Bingoguy as a PowderPuff Character.

Make your own HERE. (Thanks to Golf Widow for the link)

I need a hobby or two or three....

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I'm an Office Moron, You're an Office Moron

Yet another test from the same place...

Give me what's rightfully mine! Or I'll hit you with this brick.
Which Office Moron Are You?
Rum and Monkey: jamming your photocopier one tray at a time.

Too Bad I actually already got the promotion.

There's something sadly funny about this... ha ha boo hoo!

My Japanese Name!

Since I don't know a lick of Japanese I thought I would find out what my name "Bingoguy" would be in Japanese!

Here's the Results...

My japanese name is 吉国 Yoshikuni (good fortune country) 歩 Ayumi (walk, deeper meaning: walk your own way).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Shoot Out at the O.K. Wedding Corral

I always hear about weddings where the families of the people getting married don't get along but it's sad when people pull out guns and knives.

Unfortunately, the RCMP haven't released too many details about this "Shoot At the Wedding Corral" so don't know if it was the actual family members, guests or even univited guests. It also never said who was killed. Hopefully it wasn't the Bride or the Groom. Hopefully, it won't lead the marriage to a quick divorce either. I wouldn't want to see how they'd decide to settle that.

The Mistrials of Justice

With the Jury Deadlocked at 11-1 the Judge declared a mistrial in Kelly Ellard case.

I'm not sure if my American Readers have heard of this case now that the Murder of Reena Virk happened 7 years ago. Ellard is lucky that society has changed into a "What's Happening Right Now" people because an old case gets blurry and facts quite often get tainted with opinion over time. This girl may well have gotten over the fact she viciously murdered another girl (both teenagers at the time) but that doesn't, and shouldn't, change the fact. You do the crime, You do the time.

I'm sure there's many people out there that would say that the story has gotten so much press now it's almost impossible to find a completely unbiased jury. Which I think is a prime example of what happened in this particular trial. I don't know about you but at the time of the murder there wasn't a lot of non-concensus amongst the teenagers who visciously attacked Virk as to who the two people who went after her again and finished the job. It's been my experience, when I was a teenager and from what I've seen of other teenagers, that when the shit hits REALLY hits the fan it's no longer time to pussy foot around and they'll send the lamb to slaughter quicker than you can say "Kelly Ellard".

I know I'm a man and I'll get lambasted for my opinion but women (especially teenaged girls) are the most viscious creatures I have ever encountered when it comes to social interaction. It's pretty much common sense knowledge with men to stay out of any type of disagreement between two women. Add to the the hormonal imbalance of a teenage girl filled with a volcanic rage for whatever reasons and you have the recipe for a dark night underneath a bridge where one teenage girl takes the life of another. The fact that she'll now have to be tried for a third time (and I really do hope that we as taxpayers here in BC take the time to spend the money to convict this danger to society) even though so much time has passed bring a shadow of doubt to my mind that justice will be served for a teenage girl who had her life cut short.

My hope for society wanes on a daily basis.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?

Ok, I admit, I love these tests when they use something I really like. Especially things like Sesame Street!

Here's the results...

Grover on X
Grover on Ecstasy

You're funny, you're loveable, you're entertaining,
you like to call yourself "Super
Grover!"--You're obviously on ecstasy.
But that's why we love you. Be careful, ok?

Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Woohoo! Love it... Grover is my favourite character! I'm soooo Grover...

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Monday, July 05, 2004

More Useless Everyday... aka You can't shine a Turd.

My hotmail account has really slowed of late. I don't really use it for a lot anymore mostly cause they have the WORST junk mail filter in existance on the planet. A parakeet could sort junk mail better.

But, I noticed that I'd gotten an email from the bastards that call themselves MSN Client Servies (or whateverthefuck) and got the following message...

Subject: Exciting Changes happening to your MSN Hotmail Account
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2004 12:41:43 -0700 (PDT)


Dear MSN® Hotmail® Member:

As a valued MSN Hotmail Member, we want you to know that there are
some exciting changes coming soon to your account that will help you
do more, receive more and store more than ever before. And it's FREE.

That's not all.

We're rolling out email antivirus protection as well as enhanced
storage to help meet your growing needs. This will make MSN Hotmail,
a world class email service that both scans and cleans ingoing and
outgoing email for viruses and worms before they enter your inbox.

In addition to delivering world-class antivirus protection, you can
also look forward to an upgrade in your storage capacity. In fact,
you'll receive 125 times your current email storage with the
introduction of a 250 MB inbox as well as the ability to send
attachments up to 10 MB.

We'd like to thank you for being a valued MSN Hotmail Member and look
forward to telling you about more exciting changes to your Hotmail
account in the coming months.

We will send an update on when and how these exciting changes will be
made to your account within two weeks. Please check your email for
this important update.

Thank you, and enjoy the good news.

MSN Hotmail Member Services


You are receiving this message because you are a valued MSN Hotmail
customer. If you have questions about the MSN privacy policy, please
read our privacy statement.

Please do not reply to this e-mail, because this is an unmonitored
alias. If you have general questions regarding your MSN Hotmail
account, please click Help in the upper right corner for MSN Hotmail
comprehensive online help.

Microsoft® Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052

(c)2004 Microsoft® Corporation. All rights reserved.


Wow, I'm so excited, I'm comatose!

So Anyawy, I was thinking to myself. Hmm, Could this be MSN's reaction to Gmail and their 1 GIG of space. Wow, MSN, 250 Megs! That's so close to 1 Gig?! Dolts! Fuck the extra space anyway MSN and just give us all back the Free Chatrooms again you smegheads.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Everyone LOVES Fireworks!

...And now you too can celebrate the 4th of July right at home in the comfort of your living room in your slightly stained underpants and have the best seat in the house
for a Fireworks display. [Ganked from anisettekiss]

So, for my American Readers...Have a safe and happy 4th of July.

'Double-double'? Now you can look it up

The Canadian Oxford Dictionary is Getting An Update with some new widely used words.

I think "Goal Suck" was a long time coming!

In other news...

G.I. Joe Turns 40, the very FIRST Action Figure!

Friday, July 02, 2004

Big Brother IS watching you...

I know I was pretty stoked at picking up a Gmail account. (Once again, Thank Nero) but I stumbled across this site which is an anti-gmail site.

Personally, if you are truly worried about personal information and idenity theft etc. The Internet is probably not the place for you.

Or you could be like me and be very old school. I've almost always, at least 95%, used pseudonyms. Not only for usernames but including the personal inforamtion I fill out on other web sites. You're only as private as you allow yourself to be.

Only in Canada....

A little late for Canada Day but oh well, sue me...

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Fwd : Quick Cash

Have you ever recieved an email from one of your friends offering you free cash for just forwarding an email to 10 or more of your closest friends?

Well, Wired Magazine has an article that explains this famous email hoax.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

It's Unanimous...

The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled ISPs not liable for royalties from users of their service downloading music and movies for free via their service.

Pounding the Purple Pontiff

I was reading anisettekiss's diary and she was taking about names for oral sex and it reminded me of this...

Here's a list of The World's Largest Collection of Masturbation Synonyms for those of you who were afraid to ask.

Bon Appetite.

Monday, June 28, 2004

Warning - Possibly Offensive Entry

I may never forget when Pork Tornado lambasted me over an article I posted in my diary about a resort for obese people.

I wonder what he'd think about THIS story.

If you chose write a song about it, you'd be wrong cause it's already been done.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Unconscious Mutterings - Week 73

Now with the Blog I don't feel so lame ass putting in these little things as much. Cause the two of you who enjoy my blog better than my diary are looking for this crap.

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Lounge::Lizard
  2. Photograph:: Capture
  3. Catacomb:: Death
  4. Crucifix:: Gothic
  5. Fire drill:: Annoying
  6. Tube:: Top
  7. Dropped:: Carrier
  8. LTD:: Company
  9. Panther:: Cat
  10. Formica:: What?

That last one I had to look up according to Merriam Webster Online formica -- used for any of various laminated plastic products used especially for surface finish.

Learn something new everyday.

Life is a Highway...

..I'm gonna drive it all night long...

Bingo Guy Highway
Lake Love15
Fame City55
Please Drive Carefully

Where are you on the highway of life?



You have to wonder what the "Civilized" World is coming to.


All's Fair in Love and Elections?!

The Belief-O-Matic....

Having trouble deciding what religion you are?

Try the Belief-O-Matic. (Link Stolen Via Miss 2k)

DISCLAIMER: The results of this quiz are purely for entertainment if you want to know my religious beliefs you'll have to figure that out for yourself.

My Results:

The top score on the list below represents the faith that Belief-O-Matic, in its less than infinite wisdom, thinks most closely matches your beliefs. However, even a score of 100% does not mean that your views are all shared by this faith, or vice versa.

Belief-O-Matic then lists another 26 faiths in order of how much they have in common with your professed beliefs. The higher a faith appears on this list, the more closely it aligns with your thinking.

1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
2. Orthodox Quaker (87%)
3. Liberal Quakers (83%)
4. Seventh Day Adventist (78%)
5. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (77%)
6. Unitarian Universalism (72%)
7. Neo-Pagan (70%)
8. Mahayana Buddhism (63%)
9. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (60%)
10. New Age (60%)
11. Bahá'í Faith (59%)
12. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (58%)
13. Taoism (57%)
14. Theravada Buddhism (53%)
15. Eastern Orthodox (52%)
16. Roman Catholic (52%)
17. Hinduism (50%)
18. Jehovah's Witness (47%)
19. Reform Judaism (47%)
20. Orthodox Judaism (46%)
21. Secular Humanism (45%)
22. Sikhism (45%)
23. New Thought (42%)
24. Jainism (41%)
25. Scientology (39%)
26. Islam (31%)
27. Nontheist (31%)

Uhm, Ya...

I'm not defending Todd's actions but THIS makes me think the Vancouver Police could find some real crimes to solve.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

this is an audio post - click to play
this is an audio post - click to play

Kiss My @ss!

You can quote me on this...

Take the quiz: "Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "

Pog mo thoin
Pog mo thoin - 'Kiss my ass.'You're one tough bastard, and if anyone doesn't like it, they can kiss your ass. You enjoy fighting and causing grievous bodily harm. Hey! What are you lookin' at, punk?

Rain Man

I always knew there was a reason I had too many routines...

and here's the proof...

Take the quiz: "Your Psych-Ward diagnosis"

Diagnosis: Autism.
A developmental disability resulting from a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain. It is characterized by the abnormal development of communication skills, social skills, and reasoning. Symptoms, which vary widely in severity, include impairment in social interaction, fixation on inanimate objects, inability to communicate normally, and resistance to changes in daily routine.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

My life as a cartoon...

If I really thought about it there's probably a number of things I had intended to add to my diary that I decided to not post because I felt it was fluffy crap. Of course, now I have this place which is basically "Bingoguy - The Fluffy Crap." I can post all of it guilt free.

Here's more proof...

This is a cartoon of me that I created at this site. I can't remember why I had it giving the thumbs up sign but I had forgotten all about it's existance until I happen to read Mangus's diary just before I begged him to do a drawing of me because he's feckin' awesome at it.

Monday, June 21, 2004

I Do My Little Turn On The Catwalk...

A few weeks back one of my daily reads Wendyloo used a virtual model to go shopping for swim suits. I just thought it would be amusing to see if I could make myself my own virtual model.

Here is the fruits of my labour...

It's the closest you'll ever get to seeing a picture of me on the internet.

And to prove I'm somewhat of an abnormal freak and because one of my ex-girlfriends once said I had a body most females would kill for. I thought I'd see what I'd look like if I were female...

Not too feckin' bad...not too feckin' bad!

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Bingo Guy, The Home Game...

I know you've always wondered how you too can make a Bingo Guy of your very own...

Well, Wait no longer!

How to make a Bingo Guy

3 parts anger

3 parts brilliance

1 part empathy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Serve with a slice of emotion and a pinch of salt. Yum!

Under the I - Blogger-Style


So I've been contemplating this for a long while now. A Blog. This is gonna be for all the crap I don't want to stick in my diary. Hopefully this will be all the weird and wonderful crap ranging from test to useless crap I find on the net. Woo-boy! Aren't you happy about that?!

Let's get started shall we?