Wednesday, August 25, 2004

What's Your Rocky Horror Pictureshow IQ?

rhps lips
YOU ARE A ROCKY GOD! You know this movie, you could
dress up as Frankie, and pull it off in style!
You can recite the whole damn movie and sing
every friggin song! YOU KICK ASS!!

Whats your Rocky Horror IQ?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Don't Feed the Bears!

This should serve as a reminder NOT to leave your beer laying around at the campground!

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Superhero Persona

Your Superhero Persona
by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero NameThe Bankruptcy Lawyer
Super PowerIrresistable Sexuality
EnemyTrailer Trash Tom
Mode Of TransportationSkateboard
WeaponBaseball Bat
Quiz created with MemeGen!

I think The Chick would laugh her ass off at this one. It's so me on some many levels.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


I realized I didn't have the Anonymous Comment posting set up. Just in case you wanted to say something to me without attaching your name it to it. I've allowed that now.

Watch Carefully...

Look for the Ghost in this Ad. It was hard to see.

Cost of Sex

There are times as a guy it seems like a girlfriend or wife is just like having a money pit. So, Here's a - cost of sex with a girlfriend and wife calculator.

Just so you can see how much she's REALLY costing you for some Nookie!

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Unconscious Mutterings - Week 80

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Server:: Waiter
  2. Charlotte:: Hornets
  3. Jackson:: Five
  4. Resentment:: Chlidish
  5. Controlling:: Scared
  6. Intense:: Sex
  7. November:: Rain
  8. Donkey:: Kong
  9. Weave:: Dodge
  10. Satisfies:: Flesh

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Birth Month

Everyone's been doing this one from HERE.

Pick your birth month and cross (strike) out what doesn't apply to you. To strike out you use the S tag. So for the cross out you would surround the "strike out" with strike out . Then post the whole list for the next person or link back to here.

Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to takes things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care of what others think. Emotional.Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and easily jealous.Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily influenced.Easily loses confidence.Loves children.

Make of it what you may.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Holy Crap!

Check out this Outdoor Toilet in Scandinavia.

Now, You think that's kind of a neat design to make it look better than just being a public toilet.

But then you go inside...

One Way Glass. That would creep me out, but then it's better than being in some dark cabinet.

Another Flash Game...

Ok, I originally found this one via Proud Canadian Geek but the link I'll give you HERE is a full screen version of the same game.

I still haven't managed to duplicate her level 10 finish yet. I can only get as far as level 8.

I'd best try and be funny...

I've been getting a lot of traffic from The Atari Age because someone found my Free Cat and Pussy Driver entries. Only a couple of those people have looked at my other entries so I'd best do my best to entertain.

So... Let's start with...

Thursday, August 12, 2004

While on the topic of Drunks...

Check out This Flash Game where the object of the game is to walk a drunk as far as you can without falling over. You have to make very mild movements with your mouse left or right depending on which way he's swaying. I tell you this because the game is in German. Although, strangely the sound effects are in english.

My best was 35 metres.

I'm a Fun Drunk...

you're a fun drunk
What Kind of Drunk Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, August 06, 2004

Super Freak is dead...

[Photo Courtesy of CNN]

Hard to Believe... but Rick James is dead. I didn't think he was that old (Well, 56 isn't)

Maybe he had too many "Very Kinky Girls, the kind you don't take home to mother!"

They say it was natural causes...

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

How bored would you have to be...

to come up with this...

Obviously THIS person was. (Sorry, the person already took down the how-to page on making one these masterpieces.) How long would have to be sitting there or how desperate to find a bra would you have to be when the light bulb came on and said "Hey, Men's Underwear would make a GREAT replacement for a BRA."

[I originally found this via Maybe Tomorrow]

W@l-M@rt loses key battle against Quebec union

I wondered how long it would take before THIS happened to a W@L-M@rt.
When you run a business based solely on doing everything the cheapest including what you pay your employees. You don't often attract talented management teams and that is directly related to why employees decide to unionize. These decisions rarely have anything to do with rate of pay but more to do with working conditions brought on by management. When you have to put of with a shitty management it's then you realize you're not getting paid enough.

When will some companies learn this lesson? Probably Never.

Of course, if you were to point to the biggest anti-union company around you could probably easily say W@l-M@rt is it. They definitely won't go down without a fight. Although, this reminds me of the Squamish McDonald's that unionized. They decertified shortly after they certified and no contract was ever negotiated.

It shall be interesting to see...