Friday, February 18, 2005

Danish Fart Humour...

I wish I could read or understand dutch. Although you don't have to understand the language to get the gist of the MOVIE


Sunday, February 13, 2005

Now THAT'S a Power Up!

Yeah, Ba-aby, Yeah!

Guilt By Association...

I know some of you don't get this whole word association thing I do every sunday. but I've been doing it for awhile and don't know why...

Unconscious Mutterings - Week 106

  1. Judge:: Judy
  2. Detroit:: Rocks
  3. Hyphen:: -nated
  4. Get it right:: stupid
  5. Pulsating:: Porn
  6. Yoga:: Pretzel
  7. Memorable:: Moment
  8. Financial advisor:: Money
  9. Ten million:: Dollars
  10. I:: Bingoguy

The High School Meme

I can't believe I'm doing this... blame Karla

1. What year was it? 1987

2. What were your three favourite bands? Genesis, Foreigner, and Peter Gaberiel.

3. What was your favourite outfit? I wore black and lots of it.

4. What was up with your hair? I had shoulder length hair (it was the fuckin' 80's ok?!) I don't know what I was thinking cause my hair is fine.

5. Who were your best friends? Ben, Paul, Dion, George (and a cast of others)

6. What did you do after school? I was online doing the BBS thing still in 1987.

7. Did you take the bus? Unfortunately, I thought Mass Transit was very efficient in 1987. How wrong I was.

8. Who did you have a crush on? If it had boobs and talked to me, I was game.

9. Did you fight with your parents? I was teenager, you figure it out.

10. Who did you have a celebrity crush on? In '87, I think I was pretty hot for Ann Wilson (yeah, the dark haired one) from Heart. I would have died to kiss Stevie Nicks too in those days, too.

11. Did you smoke cigarettes? I'd quit two years previously.

12. Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker? What Locker? My locker got trashed so many times that it was a waste of time to have one.

13. Did you have a 'clique'? Uhm, No.

14. Did you have "The Max" like Zach, Kelly and Slater? My friend's used to do coffee at the Pantry. The Manager for some strange reason thought we were a good group of teens. [Shurg]

15. Admit it, were you popular? Popular in an incredibly negative way.

16. Who did you want to be just like? No one.

17. What did you want to be when you grew up? I had no idea or desire to be anything.

18. Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now? Then I figured that I'd have already been dead for 5 years.

Aren't you GLAD you asked?!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

What Will They Think of Next?

I'm still a little shocked about THIS article in the NY Times ([Free] Subscription Required).

I can understand how a girl who forelorn in the throughs of lust/love and enjoys wearing stuff her boyfriend has recently worn. [I know this cause I dated one like that and my sweatshirts used to go missing on a regular basis]. BUT, BUT, I implore you, WHAT GIRL with the majority of her facilities would want to smell a smell from HER panties that reminded her of her boyfriend?!

Furthermore, What about innocent bystanders? As Ms. Gigglypants walks through the office and we're all allowed to share in the "woodsy" smell that reminds her of her boyfriend thanks to movement of smell via the air.

I don't get it, really I don't.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Week 105

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Shelter:: Home
  2. Karate Kid:: Movie
  3. Andrew:: Diaryland
  4. Rib:: Adam
  5. Push it:: Deep
  6. Creep:: Salt'n'Pepa
  7. Chainlink:: Fence
  8. Squash:: Sport
  9. No mercy:: Fascist
  10. Superhero:: Batman

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Valentine's Day

I think it's quite fitting that this year for Valentine's Day it's most probable that I will be COMPLETELY SINGLE! I think for this very fact I might CELEBRATE Valentine's Day. All By Myself and I'll even have a Celebatory Drink (Perhaps some Champagne) to toast a day I can't fuck up in the slightest because I have no Valentine! Don't be sad for me. It's ok, I'm pleased as punch because I seem to be cursed when it comes to Valentine's Day and if I'm dating someone I most definitely going to forget or doing some grievious that makes the person hate me beyond hate.

Point in case, I once DUMPED SOMEONE on Valentine's Day! That's right, What a FREAKING Class Act I am! Hand me the Oscar!

But you have to read THIS because truely it's an awesome observation on Valentine's Day.

It Also proves once again there's someone else who's is a MUCH funnier read than I am. Which would explain why I only have TWO readers!

Friday, February 04, 2005