Tuesday, August 03, 2004

W@l-M@rt loses key battle against Quebec union

I wondered how long it would take before THIS happened to a W@L-M@rt.
When you run a business based solely on doing everything the cheapest including what you pay your employees. You don't often attract talented management teams and that is directly related to why employees decide to unionize. These decisions rarely have anything to do with rate of pay but more to do with working conditions brought on by management. When you have to put of with a shitty management it's then you realize you're not getting paid enough.

When will some companies learn this lesson? Probably Never.

Of course, if you were to point to the biggest anti-union company around you could probably easily say W@l-M@rt is it. They definitely won't go down without a fight. Although, this reminds me of the Squamish McDonald's that unionized. They decertified shortly after they certified and no contract was ever negotiated.

It shall be interesting to see...

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