Saturday, June 26, 2004

Unconscious Mutterings - Week 73

Now with the Blog I don't feel so lame ass putting in these little things as much. Cause the two of you who enjoy my blog better than my diary are looking for this crap.

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Lounge::Lizard
  2. Photograph:: Capture
  3. Catacomb:: Death
  4. Crucifix:: Gothic
  5. Fire drill:: Annoying
  6. Tube:: Top
  7. Dropped:: Carrier
  8. LTD:: Company
  9. Panther:: Cat
  10. Formica:: What?

That last one I had to look up according to Merriam Webster Online formica -- used for any of various laminated plastic products used especially for surface finish.

Learn something new everyday.

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